Sex Commune by Gerhard Joren, edited by Tom Vater

Books Sweden UK

Before smart phones and the Internet swallowed our dreams, before life became as predictable as our last purchase, before we rewarded ourselves with shopping for things of which there are millions of copies, before all that, my good friend and photographer extraordinaire Gerhard Joren documented the life of a European sex commune.

“We are not Satanists,” Tony explains, “the devil we worship is not the man with horns that you read about in the Bible, but the ultimate anarchist that exists in the human soul.”

“We got together because we want to change the world by breaking down macho values,” Lisa adds, “Sex is our weapon. It always has been for women. We are waging a cultural war, not a gender war.”

I am so very happy to have had the opportunity to edit Gerhard ‘s wonderful, funny and touching visual account of a life (style) far from the madding crowds.

Sex Commune is out now with 89books.